
I practice Functional Nutritional Medicine. It is all about looking for the cause of health problems, as opposed to treating symptoms with medications. Functional medicine looks at the underlying cause of disease, and takes into account the whole case history and whole person.

I use a combination of;

  • Pathology results (including functional pathology & gene testing – not always on the GPs list of tests but gives us a more complete picture)
  • Extensive client history
  • Clinical Signs and Symptoms
  • Diet History and other Lifestyle factors

To identify; The driving factors of illness – specific to the patient such as;

Food intolerances & allergies, dysbiosis (gut microflora imbalance), metabolic, hormonal & biochemical imbalances, genetic polymorphisms, immune system dysfunction etc

Treatment Involves; A combination of;

  • Food as Medicine (specific dietary changes)
  • Nutriceuticals (therapeutic dose, active form nutrients to correct nutritional deficiencies and/or biochemical imbalances)
  • Lifestyle implementations

We work together to create effective & sustainable treatment plans, for nourishment, healing and a return to health & vitality. I give YOU the tools you need to establish a life long healthy relationship with food,
& with yourself!